Saturday, 5 December 2020

Staying Fit Over The Holidays

Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, there’s no shortage of opportunities to indulge in some festive eating, even if the holidays will look a little different this year. But you work hard to stay fit, far be it for the holidays to ruin that! So the team here at Viewheels dug into our impressive collection of content to bring you a few tips to help you stay fit over the holiday.

Measured out your portions. We get it, one look at that delicious turkey or juicy ham and you’re already thinking about second helpings. But the easiest way to avoid the holiday pounds is to avoid overeating, so make sure your portions are sensibly measured before digging right in. Stay away from seconds if you can, but if the food’s too tasty to pass up, ensure those seconds are no more than half the size.

Eat slowly and drink water. Your brain takes time to process the fact that you've eaten, and in that time there’s a risk of eating more than your stomach can handle! Taking your time to eat slowly not only leaves room for dinner table conversation, it also gives your brain the time to catch up and let you know when you've had enough. Drinking plenty of water will not only help you feel full faster, it’ll also help digest once you’re done.

Walk it off. Verdauungsspaziergang, as the Germans call it, roughly translated to “an after-dinner walk,” will go a long way towards helping your digestive system tackle all the calories it just took on. The physical activity is something your body needs anyway, so it’s a win-win!

Looking to get fit and challenge yourself? Visit our online library at Viewheel for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

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