Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Staying Fit Through Everyday “Micro-Workouts”

The pandemic seems to have shut down much of life as we know it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your days got any less busy. Add to that the fact that many gyms and fitness centers are closed, and it’s looking mighty difficult to get in a good workout these days. But you don’t need a long and grueling workout to stay fit, you can get great results by throwing in a few “micro-workouts” into your day. Here are a few micro-workout suggestions, courtesy of the team here at Viewheel.

Drop and do some push-ups. No exercise equipment around? No problem! You can drop and do some push-ups just about anywhere, and just about anytime. It may be slow going at first, and you can make it easier by dropping to your knees at first, but you’ll build up some strength and endurance before you know it!

Climb the stairs. If you’ve got some stairs at home, go ahead and climb them a few extra times during the day. Don’t have stairs at home? A public building or monument can do the trick, so long as you stay an appropriate distance from those around you and are masked up where required.

Run around the block. No, we’re not kidding here. What may have once been suggested dismissively is actually a great workout. If at all possible, get outside and take a run around the block a few times a day to help get the exercise you need.

Looking to get fit and challenge yourself? Visit our online library at Viewheel for a wide variety of ebooks, audiobooks, music, and more. Accessible anytime, anywhere, from your favorite devices.

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